Career Coaching / Career Therapy

Career Coaching / Career Therapy

What is Career Coaching?

What exactly is career coaching? It’s a dynamic, one-on-one partnership where a coach works with you to unlock your career potential and achieve your professional objectives. Whether you’re navigating a career transition, seeking promotion, or simply looking for expert guidance on your career path, a career coach is there to provide strategic advice and actionable steps tailored to your personal ambitions. Together, you’ll explore new career possibilities and refine your approach to professional challenges. Let’s dive into this journey and transform your career aspirations into achievements!

Performance & Leadership Coaching

Are you ready to elevate your game and lead with confidence? Boost your self-awareness, strengthen your resilience, and craft a robust plan to enhance your performance. Commit to actionable steps that will not only elevate your leadership skills but also set a new standard for effectiveness. With my extensive experience and proven track record, I am here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s unlock your leadership potential together!

Career Transition Coaching

Thinking about a career shift or aiming higher in your current path? Whether you're job hunting, eyeing a promotion, or navigating new professional waters, let's unlock your potential together. We'll sharpen your ability to communicate your strengths, clear the path for your next big move, and enhance your job search arsenal to spring you into action. With my expertise in career coaching, I'm here to ensure you make a seamless transition and achieve the success you deserve.

Let’s connect and discuss how I can help you reach your professional goals with tailored coaching solutions. Your next big achievement is just a conversation away!

Why Chose Us

About Career Coaching / Career Therapy

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Strategic Partners

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Corporate Programs

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PRIVATE 1-ON-1 Career Coaching

Sometimes we need a bit of help to get unstuck and gain clarity.

Feeling like you’re hitting a wall in your career? Sometimes, what you need is a fresh set of eyes to clear the fog. Remember, your time is precious – the ultimate currency. With personalized career coaching, you can fast-track your way to unlocking that inner powerhouse with confidence!

frequently asked question


This is what I can help you with

Retained & Exclusive Contingency tech recruiting? Check.

Career Coaching? Check.

Career Therapy? Triple check!!!

In essence, this is what I do

I help companies find the key technical staff to fuel their growth.

  • Building Elite Teams
  • Crafting Tech Careers
  • Connecting Talent with Opportunity
  • Mastering the Art of Tech Recruitment and Career Fulfillment
This is how I work

Every journey with me begins with a discovery call.

1-3 in-depth discussions where we, together, gain crystal-clear insight into what your situation is, your needs, your challenges, your pain points, to see if there’s a good fit for the services I offer and if I can help.

Recruiting engagements

Your challenges.
What you are looking for.
Your expectations regarding skills, experience, and salary/compensation levels to see if they align.
A detailed roadmap & timelines (Because in the world of recruiting, timing is everything)
Your process and key decision makers to see if they are all on the same page to “win”.

Career Coaching

What is your current situation and “Where are you now”?
The breadth of your career goals
expectations and outcomes

Are you “stuck”? Why? Let’s get you “unstuck”.

All driven by me.

The finale? It’s rarely just a finale.
We review, refine, and share mutual satisfaction (and yes, the financial bit too).
This solidifies our alliance, which often extends far beyond the initial transaction.
After 29+ years in recruiting – I’m in this with you, for the long haul.

Your recruiting partner, through thick and thin.

My clientele spectrum

Firms that leverage tech and the brilliant minds that develop the tech as either their core business or the key enabler of their business: Think startup Founders, CEOs, VPs, and Sr Mgrs of Recruiting and HR.

FINTECH and Tech Consulting orgs: There’s something special about the synergy between a tieing tech to operational bottom lines!

Career Coaching: You’re in a rut – and you know it. I can help. Particular focus on Senior and Executives looking for insight to get them to the next level.

This is my style and approach


Absolute candor.
Always blunt.
Sometimes brutal.

Empathy – yes. (But not at the expense of getting to the outcomes you want and we agree to.)

This applies equally to recruiting and coaching engagements.

In our partnership, I value straightforward and honest communication, ensuring we stay focused on achieving the agreed-upon goals without any sugar-coating.


This is how much I charge

Discovery calls: Always free

Recruiting: 20 – 25% fee structure – 6-month guarantee

For coaching consultations, my standard rate is $500USD per hour.

Book a Discovery Call